Welcome to the Grand Hôtel Thalasso & Spa’s new boutique,
located in front of the Reception Desk on the ground floor.
Thalion© products, PAOMA Paris, exclusive Grand Hôtel Thalasso & Spa articles, dietary supplements, herbal teas to take home with you… An exceptional selection for those of you would like a souvenir from your stay at the Grand Hôtel. Make your experience last even longer by selecting one of our books on detox diets or Basque cuisine, or on the beauty of the region.
Enjoy your shopping!
Boutique opening hours
Every day from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Download our “Treatment Guide” to find out more about our packages and treatments.

Special offers
Discover our best special offers and guaranteed best prices by booking online.
Abonnez-vous gratuitement dès aujourd'hui et recevez en avant-première nos meilleures offres.